Cabergoline in the Dostinex format works as an agonist for the chemical dopamine which is found in the brain. Dopamine is involved in the formation of epinephrine as well as the inhibition of the release of prolactin throughout our pituitary glands. Prolactin can unfortunately cause a number of side effects especially in huge amounts.
When we adjust our hormonal balance through the use of anabolic steroids excess prolactin can be produced which can cause some related side effects. Managing these side effects requires a product like Cabergoline in the Dostinex formula.
Athletes can reduce prolactin extremely efficiently and ensure proper sexual function throughout their entire training regiment. For athletes that regularly use Nandrolone and Trenbolone-based steroids this product is a good add to any cycle. The recommended dosage on this product for men and women is 25-.5 mg each week.
Brand: Pharmacy Grade
Substance: Cabergoline
Dosage and packing: 0.5 mg/tab (4 tabs)
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